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Timeless Joy

Restorations can be costly and labour intensive.

But the results can be dramatic and worth the cost. 


There is a wonderful feeling that comes from taking something long forgotten and giving it new life. Or having us do it for you!​


It's good for the environment, and good for the soul.


Let us help you get your vintage ride back on the road and looking new again.


Our Process and Pricing

Every bike we work on is different, and pricing can vary accordingly.


In general, you should count on $400-$500 plus parts - but it can be less, and really does depend on the bike.  Remember that this is isn't just about getting an old clunker up and running again. This is about getting the bike as near to new as we can.


For all restorations, our process is the same.


1) We'll take a look at the bike, give you an estimate, and if you decide to proceed, we'll keep you informed and send you progress pictures all the way through.


2) We disassemble the bike down to to the last bolt and cable, clean and remove all possible corrosion, repair and re-use original parts wherever possible, and replace parts where necessary. 


Want to incorporate some newer parts along the way? We can do that too. 


Bianchi Head Tube
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